Word Of Wisdom

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Saturday, February 2, 2008


Ovo je kratka humoristicna prica koja mi se jako svidjela kada sam je prvi put procitao.
Nadam se da će se i vama svidjeti.
Da ne bih duljio vise sa svojim suhoparnim nadosiranjem i uvodom, prilazem vam pricu:


-Šta više bišćeš po glavi?– znala me upitati stara nakon mojih dugih seansi češkanja i kidanja kože ispod kose. Znam samo da sam to radio od nervoze, nesvjesno. A kad bi naišla neka cura koja mi se sviđala, izrovao bi čitavo čelo i napravio ranice. Kosa mi se stalno mastila. Prao sam je svako drugi dan. Ipak svaki dan bi bilo previše za muškarca poput mene.

Neki bi grizli nokte, neki se češali po jajima (omiljeni džepni bilijar), ali ja sam odlučno gnjavio glavu. Naravno, to ne bi bilo beznačajno. Uvijek sam tražio nešto, ne znam što, a stara je mislila da imam baje. Htjela me je jedne večeri, i dobro se sjećam, kad sam već bio prilegao, zaprašiti nekim praškom ''da bi spriječila bube'' kako bi ona to stručno rekla. Srećom, nanjušio sam njen mošusni parfem i spriječio je u nakani da strusi čitavu bočicu praha, sumnjive zelene boje, na moje tjeme. Ona je rekla da će poludjeti jer ne može podnijeti što to više radim svojoj glavi. Odvratio sam da je to moj problem i ničiji više.

Ali onda, i u školskim danima, i vanka, uhvatio bi sebe kako prebirem po kosi. To bi me prestravilo (ne mogu se kontrolirati!) kao i moje prijatelje koji su me začuđeno gledali. Šta je! Ne bi da kopam nos. To više nije bilo iz nervoze, nego iz dosade. A kad nije bila dosada, bila je to moja stalna navika. Neki frendovi su govorili da je to urođeno, stari da su samo godine, a buraz, k'o pametniji i stariji, da smanjim kapacitet. Pa zar to nisam pokušavao?!

I jednog sam dana odlučio, dok sam se budio s jutarnjom seansom češkanja i prhuti u nosu i očima, da prestanem s tim. Šišanje mi se činilo kao najbolja ideja.

- Zar tvoju lijepu kosu?- pitala je stara.

Vraga lijepa kosa. Koga oni lože?

I tako se ja ošišao na nulu, što više nije bilo cool, a glava mi se sjajila i isticala u masi. Svi su mi čestitali na pothvatu, pogotovo jer je bila ciča zima i inje se hvatalo za moju ćelu. Prestao sam se češkati , nakon dugih dana odvikavanja. Bilo je teško. Čak su se ukućani nudili da češkam njihove glave. Naravno, odbio sam – nije to isto. Bio sam ponosan na sebe. Ali…

…odjednom me počelo češkati po leđima, po rukama…i nogama. Svuda čovječe! Odveli me doktoru kad su uvidjeli da činim štete svom tijelu, taman kad sam pronašao razne načine češkanja: jednom rukom, s dvije, pa s kašikom , čak i četkom za kosu. Puno metoda, puno izbora. Doktor rekao da imam buhe. Pa stvarno, čovječe. Stvarno nemam sreće. Ali sam pronašao uzrok češkanju (sumnjam na psa, al' šta će garib, nije on kriv).

Nakon liječenja nisam imao što raditi, i od dosade, kao i svaki peti, ili po noktima, ili po…

Pricu napisao: Manic Through The Rain

Nadam se da vam se ova pricica svidjela.
Komentari bi bili pozeljni!!!

3rd BASS

Somethin' extra about 3rd Bass!
For all of you who would like to know something more about 3rd Bass!
I'm gonna give you a link to their web page, where you can see their pics, and download a bunch of rare tapes and vids.
For da link to their web page just click on this picture below.

3rd BASS


3rd Bass was one of a still-small number of white hip-hop artists to achieve wide acceptance in the larger community. Along with the Beastie Boys, 3rd Bass proved that white hip-hop wasn't necessarily going to become a watered-down, commercially exploitative rip-off of the genuine article, as so many white interpretations of black musical forms had been in the past. Instead, they were possessed of a well-developed lyrical technique and were respectfully well-versed in hip-hop culture and tradition. They helped set the tone for the way white rappers could credibly and intelligently approach the music, and despite staying together for only two albums, they managed to create a highly positive lasting impact.

3rd Bass was formed by Queens-born MC Serch (born Michael Berrin) and Brooklyn-native Prime Minister Pete Nice (born Pete Nash), along with African-American DJ Richie Rich (born Richard Lawson). Nice had been an English major at Columbia University and hosted a short-lived hip-hop show on radio station WKCR. Serch, meanwhile, had honed his skills battle-rapping at clubs and block parties and had previously released a solo single called "Hey Boy" on the small independent Idlers label. Both Serch and Nice were working as solo acts until producer Sam Sever convinced the two 20 year olds to join forces in 1987. Along with Prince Paul and the Bomb Squad, Sever produced their 1989 Def Jam debut, The Cactus Album (aka Cee/D), which was greeted with enthusiastic reviews in most quarters. Clever, good-humored singles like "The Gas Face," "Steppin' to the A.M.," and "Brooklyn-Queens" helped make 3rd Bass's name in the hip-hop underground. They followed it in 1991 with Derelicts of Dialect, which featured one of the first recorded appearances by Nas and contained a viciously funny jab at Vanilla Ice called "Pop Goes the Weasel." Accompanied by an equally humorous video, "Pop Goes the Weasel" became 3rd Bass's biggest chart single and performed some much-needed damage control in the hip-hop community: not only did it prevent 3rd Bass from getting lumped in with Ice, but by extension, it also distanced at least some of the Caucasian race from the whole phenomenon, opening doors for greater inclusiveness later on.

Despite their success, 3rd Bass disbanded in 1992 when MC Serch went solo. He issued Return of the Product later that year, and the remainder of the group, billed as Prime Minister Pete Nice & DJ Daddy Rich, teamed up for Dust to Dust in 1993. Neither was as successful or high-profile as the two gold-selling 3rd Bass albums. Serch, interested in discovering new talent, became the head of A&R at the respected, now-defunct Wild Pitch label, and later founded his own label, Serchlight Productions. Nice, meanwhile, dropped out of the music business and opened a store in Cooperstown, NY, that sold baseball memorabilia. In 2000, 3rd Bass reunited for several concerts.

3rd Bass Discography:

3rd Bass - The Cactus Album (The Cactus Cee/D) (1989)

1. Stymie's Theme
2. Sons Of 3rd Bass

3. Russell Rush
4. The Gas Face
5. Monte Hall

6. Oval Office
7. Hoods
8. Soul In The Hole
9. Triple Stage Darkness
10. M.C. Disagree

11. Wordz Of Wizdom
12. Product Of The Environment
13. Desert Boots
14. The Cactus
15. Jim Backus
16. Flippin Off The Wall Like Lucy Ball
17. Brooklyn-Queens
18. Steppin' To The A.M.
19. Episode #3
20. Who's On Third

Corner Grab: DOWNLOAD

3rd Bass - Derelicts of Dialect (1991)

1. Merchant of Grooves
2. Derelicts of Dialect
3. Ace in the Hole

4. French Toast
5. Portrait of the Artist as a Hood
6. Pop Goes the Weasel

7. Sea Vessel Soliloquy
8. Daddy Rich in the Land of 1210
9. Word to the Third
10. Herbalz in Your Mouth
11. Al'z A-B-Cee'z
12. No Master Plan No Master Race
13. Come In

14. No Static at All
15. Eye Jammie
16. Microphone Techniques - Nice & Smooth, 3rd Bass
17. Problem Child
18. 3 Strikes 5000
19. Kick Em in the Grill
20. Green Eggs and Swine

Corner Grab: DOWNLOAD

This is a cool breeze of Old School and East Coast music. Hope you like it.
Comments would be appriceated.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


I would like to introduce to you, music fans some of the groups from my home town Siroki Brijeg that is located in Herzegowina on the river Listica.
First of them is a band that goes by the name of THEMM!.
They haven't jet recorded an album, but they are on the right path to it.
They have some good demo songs. My favourit is ''Previse Nevazni'', and the others are pretty good.
Here is some general info about them(m):
Genre: Rock / Garage / Indie
Band Members: Igor - guitar & vocals; Vlado Shock - guitar, bass guitar, drums;
- bass guitar; Marko - guitar, bass guitar, Luka - guitar Ivana - vocals.
They are influenced by: Foo Fighters, Bloc Party, Queens of the Stone Age, Franz Ferdinand, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Rest of the stuff you can read, watch and hear the music on their's MySpace page :

Keep it goin' guys. Hope to listen your very first album soon.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ljuta crvenkapica!

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ZA 2008.

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Svima, koji su mi poželjeli sve najljepše u 2007. – uopće nije upalilo.
Molim, za 2008. umjesto želja, šaljite novac, nešto alkohola i čokoladu.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I gotta say that this Ice Cube's EP is the very first CD's that I have bought.
I got this CD in the year 1996., when I was studying in Mostar, at the Faculty of civil engineering. I bought it in a small CD shop named ''ROCK SHOP''. This Cd shop was located in one of car garages near the main Mostar's streets - ''Avenija''. At that time ''Rock Shop'' was the only one that had cassetes, CD's and even LP's about rap music, among other stuff. The salesman nickname was Sale. The CD was second hand goods, but I still gave the money for it. It was worth every penny.
The best song on this Ep is DEAD HOMIEZ.
Hope you like it.


1. Endangered Species
2. Jackin' For Beats

3. Get Off My Dick And Tell Yo Bitch To Come Here

4. The Product

5. Dead Homiez

6. JD's Gaffilin'

7. I Gotta Say What Up!!!

Corner Grab: Download

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Tupac Shakur - Beginnings The Lost Tapes: 1988-1991

Tupac Shakur - Beginnings The Lost Tapes: 1988-1991

ARTiST....: Tupac Shakur
TiTLE.....: Beginnings The Lost Tapes: 1988-1991
GENRE.....: Rap
ENCODER...: LAME 3.97 -V2 --Vbr-New
BiTRATE...: VBRkbps
RiP DATE..: 13-Jun-2007

##. Track Title Time

01. Panther Power 04:37
02. The Case of The Misplaced Mic 02:34
03. Let Knowledge Drop 03:37
04. Never The Beat 05:33
05. A Day In The Life 04:55
06. My Burnin' Heart 06:25
07. Minnie The Moocher 04:19
08. The Case of The Misplaced Mic 2 02:39
09. Static Mix 1 04:20
10. Static Mix 2 04:00
Total Time 42:59

Corner Grab: Download


2Pac On KMEL's
Westside Radio Program

Interview by Sway of The Wake Up first aired on KMEL's Westside Radio
on April 19 1996.
Transcribed by KMEL's Davey D
c 1996




2Pac became the unlikely martyr of gangsta rap, and a tragic symbol of the toll its lifestyle exacted on urban black America. At the outset of his career, it didn't appear that he would emerge as one of the definitive rappers of the '90s -- he started out as a second-string rapper and dancer for Digital Underground, joining only after they had already landed their biggest hit. But in 1991, he delivered an acclaimed debut album, 2Pacalypse Now, and quickly followed with a star-making performance in the urban drama Juice. Over the course of one year, his profile rose substantially, based as much on his run-ins with the law as his music. By 1994, 2Pac rivaled Snoop Dogg as the most controversial figure in rap, spending as much time in prison as he did in the recording studio. His burgeoning outlaw mythology helped his 1995 album Me Against the World enter the charts at number one, and it also opened him up to charges of exploitation. Yet, as the single "Dear Mama" illustrated, he was capable of sensitivity as well as violence. Signing with Death Row Records in late 1995, 2Pac released the double-album All Eyez on Me in the spring of 1996, and the record, as well as its hit single "California Love," confirmed his superstar status. Unfortunately, the gangsta lifestyle he captured in his music soon overtook his own life. While his celebrity was at its peak, he publicly fought with his rival, the Notorious B.I.G., and there were tensions brewing at Death Row. Even with such conflicts, however, 2Pac's drive-by shooting in September 1996 came as an unexpected shock. On September 13, six days after the shooting, 2Pac passed away, leaving behind a legacy that was based as much on his lifestyle as it was his music.

The son of two Black Panther members, Tupac Amaru Shakur was born in New York City. His parents had separated before he was born, and his mother moved him and his sister around the country for much of their childhood. Frequently, the family was at the poverty level, but Shakur managed to gain acceptance to the prestigious Baltimore School of the Arts as a teenager. While he was at the school, his creative side flourished, as he began writing raps and acting. Before he could graduate, his family moved to Marin City, CA, when he was 17 years old. Over the next few years, he lived on the streets and began hustling. Eventually, he met Shock-G, the leader of Digital Underground. The Oakland-based crew decided to hire him as a dancer and roadie, and as he toured with the group, he worked on his own material. 2Pac made his first recorded appearance on the group's spring 1991 record, This Is an EP Release, and he also appeared on their second album, Sons of the P. The following year, he released his own debut, 2Pacalypse Now. The album became a word-of-mouth hit, as "Brenda's Got a Baby" reached the R&B Top 30 and the record went gold. However, its blunt and explicit lyrics earned criticisms for moral watchdogs, and Vice President Dan Quayle attacked the album while he was campaigning for re-election that year.

Shakur's profile was raised considerably by his acclaimed role in the Ernest Dickerson film Juice, which led to a lead role in John Singleton's Poetic Justice the following year. By the time the film hit theaters, 2Pac had released his second album, Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z., which became a platinum album, peaking at number four on the R&B charts and launching the Top Ten R&B hit singles "I Get Around" and "Keep Ya Head Up," which peaked at number 11 and 12, respectively, on the pop charts. Late in 1993, he acted in the basketball movie Above the Rim. Although Shakur was selling records and earning praise for his music and acting, he began having serious altercations with the law; prior to becoming a recording artist, he had no police record. He was arrested in 1992 after he was involved in a fight that culminated with a stray bullet killing a six-year-old bystander; the charges were later dismissed. 2Pac was filming Menace II Society in the summer of 1993 when he assaulted director Allen Hughes; he was sentenced to 15 days in jail in early 1994. The sentence arrived after two other high-profile incidents. In October of 1993, when he was charged with shooting two off-duty police officers in Atlanta. The charges were dismissed, but the following month, he and two members of his entourage were charged with sexually abusing a female fan. In 1994, he was found guilty of sexual assault. The day after the verdict was announced, he was shot by a pair of muggers while he was in the lobby of a New York City recordings studio. Shakur was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison on February 7, 1995.

Later that month, Shakur began serving his sentence. He was in jail when his third album, Me Against the World, was released in March. The record entered the charts at number one, making 2Pac the first artist to enjoy a number one record while serving a prison sentence. While he was in prison, he accused the Notorious B.I.G., Puffy Combs, Andre Harrell, and his own close friend Randy "Stretch" Walker of orchestrating his New York shooting. Shakur only served eight months of his sentence, as Suge Knight, the president of Death Row Records, arranged for parole and posted a 1.4 million dollar bond for the rapper. By the end of the year, 2Pac was out of prison and working on his debut for Death Row. On November 30, 1995 -- the one-year anniversary of the New York shooting -- Walker was killed in a gangland-styled murder in Queens.

2Pac's Death Row debut, All Eyez on Me, was the first double disc of original material in hip-hop history. It debuted at number one upon its February release, and would be certified quintuple platinum by the fall. Although he had a hit record and, with the Dr. Dre duet "California Love," a massive single on his hands, Shakur was beginning to tire of hip-hop and started to concentrate on acting. During the summer of 1996, he completed two films, the thriller Bullet and the dark comedy Gridlock'd, which also starred Tim Roth. He also made some recordings for Death Row, which was quickly disintegrating without Dre as the house producer, and as Knight became heavily involved in illegal activities.

At the time of his murder in September 1996, there were indications that Shakur was considering leaving Death Row, and maybe even rap, behind. None of those theories can ever be confirmed, just as the reasons behind his shooting remain mysterious. Shakur was shot on the Las Vegas strip as he was riding in the passenger seat of Knight's car. They had just seen the Mike Tyson-Bruce Seldon fight at the MGM Grand, and as they were leaving the hotel, 2Pac got into a fight with an unnamed young black man. The case was never solved, but it has been suggested that this was the cause of the drive-by shooting, and it has also been suggested that Knight's ties to the mob and to gangs were the reason; another theory is that the Notorious B.I.G. arranged the shooting as retaliation for 2Pac's comments that he slept with Biggie's wife, Faith Evans. Either way, Shakur was shot four times and was admitted to University of Nevada Medical Center. Six days later, he died from his wounds.

Hundreds of mourners appeared at the hospital upon news of his death, and the entire entertainment industry mourned his passing, especially since there were no leads in the case. Many believed his death would end the much-hyped East Coast/West Coast hip-hop rivalry and decrease black-on-black violence. Sadly, six months after his death, the Notorious B.I.G. was murdered under similar circumstances. As Shakur's notoriety only increased in the wake of his death, a series of posthumous releases followed, among them Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory (issued under the alias Makaveli in 1996), R U Still Down? (Remember Me) (1997), Still I Rise (1999), Until the End of Time (2001), and Better Dayz (2002).


Corner Grab: download

The 10TH Anniversary Collection

(The Sex, The Soul & The Street)

Corner Grab: download part 1
Corner Grab: download part 2
Corner Grab: download part 3

BUY THE CD's: $$$$


The Conversion to Euro English...

The Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English
will be the official language of the European Union rather than German,
which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that
English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5 year
phase in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".

In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will
make the sivil servants jump with joy.

The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up
konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the
troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like
fotograf 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expected
to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have
always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the language
is disgrasful and it should go away.

By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th"
with"z" and "w" with "v".

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining
"ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensibl riten styl.

Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu
understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.

Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze
forst plas.


Watch This very amusing video. Is your granny this crazy!!!



Overlord X (real name BJ Balogun, born in Hackney) was one of the earliest British hip hop artists to receive national acclaim in the UK, with his most well known song still being his second single release, 14 Days in May (Westside Records, 1988) about Edward Earl Johnson. He worked with DJ Sir Preme T as well as other members of the "X Posse", and now works under the name BJ , and runs the music and Creative Production company MO-Am Masters.
Overlord X first began rapping at the age of 14, before which he practised DJing - something which helped him in his later career to produce and record his own music for his songs. He first came to attention on one of John Peel's sessions, with three tracks recorded on 24 November 1987. He returned to the show on 02 August 1988, by now having joined Sir Preme T to record four further tracks.
Overlord X's first release was the song Let There Be Rock on the first of the legendary Hard as Hell compilations in 1987. This was followed by his break-through single, 14 Days in May (Westside, 1988) where he raged against capital punishment and in particular the case of Edward Earl Johnson, who was executed on the grounds of a confession that he claimed was made under duress.
The record was a great success, and brought X to the attention of Mango Records, who promtly signed him to record some singles. and an album as the X Posse, featuring many other artists who were part of Overlord X's crew. The album, Project X (Mango, 1988), introduced a new generation of rappers to the UK audience, but none ever gain the same success as their mentor.
This album was quickly followed by X's solo debut album. However, at the time Westside Records refused to grant permission for 14 Days in May to be used on the album, and so X had to record a sequel instead, called 14 Days in Hell. The album, Weapon Is My Lyric (Mango, 1989), pioneered a new British hip hop, laying a blue print for a rock influenced hardcore style that was to dominate the scene for many years.
The album's success led to some strange ventures: one of the tracks, Visa To Rock, was re-recorded by Overlord X with new lyrics relating to chess for a BBC documentary about the game fronted by a young Stephen Fry. A clip of the documentary, featuring Overlord X's re-recorded tune, was shown when Fry was a guest on Jonathan Ross' BBC chat show in 2005. His success also led to a long running feud with fellow rapper MC Duke, which culminated in X recording the diss tune Die Hard about the rapper on his You Oughta Get Rushed (Mango, 1990) single.
That single was taken from the follow up album X Versus the World (Mango, 1990) which features a distinctive cover and comic strip story by artist Joe Jusko. The album also gave prominence to X's alter egos, Sidekick and Lord V/Lord Vader - Sidekick was X with the pitch of his voice turned higher, and Lord V was him with the pitch turned down. The album was a critical and scene success, and Overlord X was working on a third album - Master of Menace.
(Unreleased) when he decided he didn't like the way the scene was heading, and left his record company.
Overlord X:
  • Weapon Is My Lyric (Mango, 1989)
  • X Versus the World (Mango, 1990)

With X-Posse:

  • Project X (Mango, 1988)

Links if you would like to see more about overlord x and other uk hip hop performers:

I have suceded to dig up the 2 albums by Overlord X:

1. Overlord X - Weapon Is My Lyric (released 1989.)

IPB Image

01 Overlord X - Rough in Hackney
02 Overlord X - Kick Bag
03 Overlord X - 2 Bad
04 Overlord X - Go! It's Like World War 3
05 Overlord X - Clap your Hands
06 Overlord X - Weapon is my Lyric
07 Overlord X - The Earth is Moving
08 Overlord X - Now my Day Begins
09 Overlord X - Brutal Bass
10 Overlord X - Visa to Rock
11 Overlord X - 14 Days in Hell

Corner Grab:
Weapon Is My Lyric
no password

2. Overlord X - X Versus The World (released 1990.)

01 - Prologue 1990 (4:43)
02 - The Predator (4:06)
03 - You Oughta Get Rushed (3:13)
04 - Planet Hackney (3:07)
05 - X Versus the World (4:27)
06 - Tell Yer Crew (3:32)
07 - Prelude (1:03)
08 - Definition (2:33)
09 - Suppression (3:33)
10 - The Untouchable (4:15)
11 - Powerhouse (3:33)
12 - Lyrical Turmoil (4:36)
13 - You Cant Do It in London (3:51)
14 - X Keeps Turning (3:26)
15 - O X Corral (4:25)

Corner Grab:
X Versus The World
Password: willforall

Enjoj The Sounds Of Some Old UK Hip Hop!!!


Big up to everyone who is, or has been reading my blog!
I've just started it a few days ago, with this idea to make this blog spiced up about hip hop music and culture, more than the other stuff you will find here. I'm relatively new at this, so I would like to se your wishes and requests about artists and their albums, or some other things. I will try to find whatever you are requesting or searching for and post it on this blog. So please, if you are searching for some albums, feel freely to let me know. Write me by commenting this post, or by my email:
Untill then, I'll will post stuff randomly.

Veliki pozdrav svima koji citaju ili su citali moj blog!
Tek sam ga nedavno poceo stvarati vodjen idejom da ucinim ovaj blog vise zacinjenim sa hip hop glazbom i hip hop kulturom, nego drugim stvarima koje cete naci ovdje. Ovo mi je relativno novo tako da bih zelio vidjeti vase zelje i zahtjeve za izvodjacima i njihovim albumima ili nekim drugim stvarima. Ja cu se truditi pronaci ono sta ste trazili i napisati ga na ovom blogu. Zato molim vas, ako trazite neke albume, slobodno mi javite. Pisite mi komentirajuci ovaj post ili na mail:
Do tada ja cu post-ati stvari po svom nahodjenju.