Big up to everyone who is, or has been reading my blog!
I've just started it a few days ago, with this idea to make this blog spiced up about hip hop music and culture, more than the other stuff you will find here. I'm relatively new at this, so I would like to se your wishes and requests about artists and their albums, or some other things. I will try to find whatever you are requesting or searching for and post it on this blog. So please, if you are searching for some albums, feel freely to let me know. Write me by commenting this post, or by my email: ziggyboycorner@gmail.com.
Untill then, I'll will post stuff randomly.
Veliki pozdrav svima koji citaju ili su citali moj blog!
Tek sam ga nedavno poceo stvarati vodjen idejom da ucinim ovaj blog vise zacinjenim sa hip hop glazbom i hip hop kulturom, nego drugim stvarima koje cete naci ovdje. Ovo mi je relativno novo tako da bih zelio vidjeti vase zelje i zahtjeve za izvodjacima i njihovim albumima ili nekim drugim stvarima. Ja cu se truditi pronaci ono sta ste trazili i napisati ga na ovom blogu. Zato molim vas, ako trazite neke albume, slobodno mi javite. Pisite mi komentirajuci ovaj post ili na mail: ziggyboycorner@gmail.com.
Do tada ja cu post-ati stvari po svom nahodjenju.
I've just started it a few days ago, with this idea to make this blog spiced up about hip hop music and culture, more than the other stuff you will find here. I'm relatively new at this, so I would like to se your wishes and requests about artists and their albums, or some other things. I will try to find whatever you are requesting or searching for and post it on this blog. So please, if you are searching for some albums, feel freely to let me know. Write me by commenting this post, or by my email: ziggyboycorner@gmail.com.
Untill then, I'll will post stuff randomly.
Veliki pozdrav svima koji citaju ili su citali moj blog!
Tek sam ga nedavno poceo stvarati vodjen idejom da ucinim ovaj blog vise zacinjenim sa hip hop glazbom i hip hop kulturom, nego drugim stvarima koje cete naci ovdje. Ovo mi je relativno novo tako da bih zelio vidjeti vase zelje i zahtjeve za izvodjacima i njihovim albumima ili nekim drugim stvarima. Ja cu se truditi pronaci ono sta ste trazili i napisati ga na ovom blogu. Zato molim vas, ako trazite neke albume, slobodno mi javite. Pisite mi komentirajuci ovaj post ili na mail: ziggyboycorner@gmail.com.
Do tada ja cu post-ati stvari po svom nahodjenju.
hi..i saw you can write your own requests..so I wonder if you could put some links to some good r'n'b music or jazz..btw..I like your blog even if it's beginner
I will find some good links and posti it on my blog.
Is there any specific artist you would like me to find?
You just ask and I'll provide the links and something extra about the artists.
TNX for the comments an requests!
My name is Patrick Stafford. I am producing a jazz documentary and I am hoping you might be inclined to help us reach out to hip-hop fans that might be interested in the roots of American music.
Tradition is a Temple draws on New Orleans' heritage to explore the passing of tradition from one generation to the next.
Do you mind if I send you some official information about our film? I'm hoping that you will find it interesting enough to share it with Ziggy-Boy Corner readers, and with your friends and colleagues. It would be a big help to us.
At the very least, I’d like to let you know about the film and to encourage you to keep a look out for screenings and news.
For a trailer and more info visit:
Take it easy,
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